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2023 Condon Prize

The 2023 Condon Prize for Best Student Essay in Psychological Anthropology was awarded to Maija-Eliina Sequeira, from the University of Helsinki, for her essay “Learning about time: Reflections on the socialisation of time-thinking among children in Colombia and Finland.”

Information regarding new submissions will be available in coming months.

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Merav Shohet

2022 SPA Stirling Prize Recipient

Merav Shohet for her book Silence and Sacrifice: Family stories of care and the limits of love in Vietnam (UC Press, 2021)

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Chikako Ozawa-De Silva

2022 Stirling Award Recipient

Chikako Ozawa-De Silva for her book The Anatomy of Loneliness: Suicide, Social Connection and the Search for Relational Meaning in Contemporary Japan (UC Press, 2021)

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Anita von Poser & Edda Willamowski

2021 Stirling Award Recipients (jointly)

Anita von Poser and Edda Willamowski for their article “The Power of Shared Embodiment: Renegotiating Non / belonging and In / exclusion in an Ephemeral Community of Care” (Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 2020 (44): 610-628).

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Anita von Poser & Edda Willamowski

2021 Stirling Award Winners

von Poser, Anita & Edda Willamowski. The Power of Shared Embodiment. Renegotiating Non/belonging and In/exclusion in an Ephemeral Community of Care. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 44 (4): 610-828, 2020.

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2021 Winner Emily Ng

2021 Boyer Prize Winner

Emily Ng has been awarded the 2021 Boyer Prize for Contributions to Psychoanalytic Anthropology for her book, A Time of Lost Gods: Mediumship, Madness, and the Ghost after Mao.


2021 Winner Andrea Chiovenda

2021 Boyer Prize Winner

Contributions to Psychoanalytic Anthropology for his book, Crafting Masculine Selves: Culture, War, and Psychodynamics in Afghanistan.

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2023 SPA Condon Prize: Call for Submissions

The Society for Psychological Anthropology solicits entries for the Richard G. Condon Prize for the best student essay in psychological anthropology. The winner will be awarded $500 and a one year membership in the Society for Psychological Anthropology. The winning essay will be published in Ethos after working with the Editor for final preparation of the manuscript. 

The prize is named for the late Richard G. Condon, whose work included the study of adolescence, family, and change among the Canadian Inuit. Psychological anthropology is defined broadly to include interrelationships among psychological, social and cultural phenomena. Essays will be judged on their relevance to psychological anthropology, organization and clarity, and their theoretical and methodological strengths. The author must have been an undergraduate or graduate student during academic year 2022-2023. The author need not be a current member of the Society for Psychological Anthropology. The winner will be recognized at the SPA Business Meeting at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association in November.

Papers submitted for consideration must follow these guidelines:

  • Submissions must not be published in any form, or currently under review for publication in any outlet