Syllabus Index | printer-friendly version in new window
ANT 321
Spring, 2001
Dr. Ron Reminick
Cleveland State University
Required Reading for Purchase:
- Charles Lindholm, Culture and Identity.
- Jared Diamond, Why Sex is Fun.
- Gilbert Herdt, The Sambia.
- Gananath Obeyesekere, Medusa's Hair.
Required Reading on Reserve and On Line:
Week 2:
- Chris. Badcock, "Freud's Findings in the Context of Evolutionary Theory"
Week 3:
- Robert LeVine, "The self in African culture"
- Don Kulick, "Introduction: The Sexual Life of Anthropologists"
Week 8:
- Ron Reminick, "Symbolic Significance of Ceremonial Defloration"
- Ron Reminick, "Sport of Warriors on the Wane"
- Sisaraw Dinku, "Afar Pastoral Warrior Identity"
- Memuna M. Sillah, "Bundu Trap"
- Meridith F. Small, "A Woman's Curse?"
- Inga Muscio, Cunt (selections)
Week 14:
- Newsweek article, "Stress"
- Ari Kiev, "The Study of Folk Psychiatry"
- Weston LaBarre, "Confession as Cathartic Therapy"
- Cathy Joseph, "Scarlet Woundings: Issues of Child Prostitution"
- Thomas Adeoye Lambo, "Psychotherapy in Africa"
Week 15:
- Erika Bourguignon, "Trance and Meditation"
- Holger Kalweit, (selections from Shamans, Healers, and Medicine Men)
Course Requirements:
Five examinations will cover the course content. The examinations will be
part multiple-choice, surveying the breadth of material for each section of
our assignments, and an attached essay problem on a particular aspect of the
section under assignment.
A research paper on an issue chosen by the student and approved by the
instructor, of +/- 12 pages, will be due at the end of the course.
For those students familiar with my appeal process: This will not be in
effect in this course. Therefore, the student should study before the exam.
However, an extra-credit assignment will be available as an option. The
extra-credit paper will be assigned cumulative points which will be a
significant contribution to one's point average. This assignment will be in
the form of an original research project which could involve such topics as
- an interesting person's life history
- an ethnography of a religious
service or ritual with the student's reactions to the experience
- the
course of someone's symptomatology precipitated under stress
- sexual
- a critical review of the course with personal responses to
particular sections. The student is encouraged to dream up a topic of one's
own interest.
Although attendance records will not be kept, the student is responsible for
any information transpiring in class. Class participation will be noted and
may have some form of credit associated with it.
Schedule of Topics and Reading Assignments.
(Total Reading: +/-1264 pages; 79 pages / week)
Week I | Introduction to the course. |
1/15 | Rdg.:-
L. (Lindholm), Preface, Part 1 (18 pp.)
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Week II | The science of anthropology. |
1/22 | Person and culture in Western philosophy.
Levels of human functioning:
- Instinctual
- Emotional
- Cognitive
- Social
- Cultural
The theoretical categories of analysis:
- science
- the existential state description
- the organic system
- evolution: natural selection, mutation, adaptation
- culture and symbol systems
- social structure and social relations
- personality and identity
- ego defense mechanisms
- instinctual systems
Film: on Chimpanzee social behavior and emotional response dramatizing our instinctual heritage.
- L., Part 2, Part 3, chs. 4, 5 (119 pp.)
- Christopher Badcock, "Freud's Findings in the Context of Recent Evolutionary Theory" (21 pp.)
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Week III | Methodology and the strategies of data-collection. |
1/29 |
- General principles of scientific procedure.
- Key elements in the scientific understanding of peoples/cultures.
- Tapping the variables of personality with projective tests.
- Ethnography and culture shock.
- The risks and dangers of fieldwork.
Film: on growing up among the Hamar
Rdg: (92 pp.)
- L., Part 3, chs. 6, 7 (57 pp.)
- LeVine, "The Self in African Culture" (11 pp.) (reserve)
- Kulick, "The Sexual Life of Anthropologists" (24 pp.) (reserve)
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Week IV | Dialectical concepts in personality and culture. |
2/5 | Profiles of personalities in cultures.
Models for the interpretation of human experience. |
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Week V | Love and culture. |
2/12 | Rdg:
- L., Parts 4 and 5 (188 pp. 2 weeks)
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PART II | Evolution of Human Sexuality
(what you won't get from the human sexuality course) |
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Week VI | The evolution of human sexuality. |
2/19 | Ecological factors in the differentiation of gender.
- The Biology of Love.
- N!ai: autobiography of a !kung woman.
- J.D. (Jared Diamond) chs. 1 - 4 (88 pp.)
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Week VII | The Reminick paradigm: The ontogenetic basis of human bisexuality. |
2/26 | Film: female anatomy and paraurethral ejaculation.
Note: Due to the emotional sensitivity of the subject-matter this film will
be optional viewing.
- J.D., chs. 5 - 7 (57 pp.)
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Week VIII | Gender issues and the ecology of gender differentiation. |
3/5 | Symbolic meaning of rituals of masculinity.
Symbolic meaning of menstruation and orgasm.
Film: on variations of human sexual expression.
Note: due to the emotional sensitivity of the subject-matter this film will
be optional viewing. Also, no outside visitors without permission of
Rdg (113 pp. Reserve Library):
- Reminick, Symbolic Significance of Ceremonial Defloration (11 pp.)
- The Sport of Warriors on the Wane (5 pp.)
- Sisaraw Dinku, Person and Society Among the Afar (11.3 pp.)
- Meridith Small, A Woman's Curse? (5.5 pp.)
- Memuna Sillah, Bundu Trap (5 pp.)
- Inga Muscio, Cunt: A Declaration of Independence (49 pp.)
- Orgasms from Cunts (26 pp.)
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Week IX | S P R I N G B R E A K 11 - 18 March, 2000 |
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| WELCOME BACK! (now get to work!) |
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Week X | Rites of initiation: social, emotional, and cognitive meaning. |
3/19 | The socialization of gender-specific behavior and mentality.
Case Study: The Sambia of New Guinea.
- female genital mutilation in Africa.
- The Sambia of New Guinea
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Week XI |
3/26 | Rdg. (2 weeks):
- G. Herdt, The Sambia (206 pp.)
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Week XII | The structure of religious ideology and ritual process. |
4/2 | Private vs. public religious symbols.
Varieties of religious experience. |
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Week XIII | Psychoanalysis of asceticism. |
4/9 | Film: on the rattlesnake handlers of Appalachia.
- Obeyesekere, Medusa's Hair (192 pp.-2 weeks)
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Week XIV | Stress as a causative agent of illness. |
4/16 | - Culture-bound syndromes in selected societies
- Cultural determinants of psychiatric disorders.
- Sorcery, witchcraft, and the ontogenesis of death.
- Traditional and alternative therapies.
Films: Healing
Rdg (59 pp.):-
Newsweek, "Stress" (6 pp.)
- Ari Kiev, "The Study of Folk Psychiatry" (26 pp.)
- Weston LaBarre, "Confession as Cathartic Therapy" (9 pp.)
- Thomas Adeoye Lambo, "Psychotherapy in Africa" (5 pp.)
- C. Joseph, "Scarlet Wounding: Issues of Child Prostitution (13 pp.)
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Week XV
Week XVI | Sacred journeys to paths of power. |
4/23 & 4/30
| Modalities of the altered states of consciousness.
Cultural configurations of spiritual power.
Rdg (111 pp.):
- Erica Bourguignon, "Trance and Meditation" (12 pp.)
- Holger Kalweit, fr. Shamans, Healers, and Medicine Men. (99 pp.)
EXAMINATION VI: Wednesday, 9 May.
Copyright © 2001 Ron Reminick
http://www.aaanet.org/spa/syllabi/reminick.htm -- Revised: July 26, 2001
Designed by Stephen C. Leavitt: leavitts@union.edu