Psychological Anthropology Course Syllabi
Course Descriptions | Web Course Descriptions
Course Descriptions of sample course syllabi contributed by the instructors for the SPA web site:
Education and Culture: Anthropological Studies of Learning and Schooling
Kathryn Anderson-Levitt
University of Michigan-Dearborn
Psychological Anthropology
Kathryn Anderson-Levitt
University of Michigan-Dearborn
Psychological Anthropology
Gerald M. Erchak
Skidmore College
Culture, Mental Illness and the Body
Byron J. Good
Department of Social Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Identity and Agency
Dorothy Holland
University of North Carolina
Culture and Cognition
Marida Hollos
Brown University
Culture and Human Behavior
Marida Hollos
Brown University
Cognitive Anthropology
David B. Kronenfeld
University of California, Riverside
Ethnicity, Nationality and Identity
Daniel T. Linger
University of California, Santa Cruz
Psychological Anthropology
Daniel T. Linger
University of California, Santa Cruz
Psychological Anthropology (see also web version)
Mark Peterson
The American University in Cairo
Psychological Anthropology
Ron Reminick
Cleveland State University
Cognitive Anthropology
Claudia Strauss
Pitzer College
Advanced Topics in Psychological Anthropology
Marcelo M. Suárez-Orozco
Harvard University
Madness and Culture
James M. Wilce
Northern Arizona University
Links to Web Course Descriptions at instuctors' own institutions. Pages will open in a new window:
Introduction to Psychological Anthropology - with extensive supplemental materials
Alan Fiske
University of California, Los Angeles
Culture and the Individual
John B. Gatewood
Lehigh University
Psychological Anthropology
Steve Leavitt
Union College
Self and Life History in Anthropological Research
Steve Leavitt
Union College
Cognitive Anthropology
Scott Littleton
Occidental College
Psychological Anthropology
Roger Lohmann
Western Oregon University
Psychological Anthropology
David Lord
Cal Poly Pomona
Psychological Anthropology
Tim Roufs
University of Minnesota Duluth
Psychological Anthropology
Bob Rubinstein
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Narrating the
Stanton Wortham
Graduate School of Education
University of Pennsylvania
http://www.aaanet.org/spa/syllabi/syllabi.htm -- Revised: November 15, 2003
Designed by Stephen C. Leavitt: leavitts@union.edu