Executive Board

<a href="https://anthropology.ucsd.edu/people/faculty/faculty-profiles/janis-jenkins.html">Dr. Janis H. Jenkins, Ph.D.</a>

Dr. Janis H. Jenkins, Ph.D.

President (2023-2025)

Dr. Jenkins is Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Psychiatry at the University of California at San Diego and Director of the UCSD Center for Global Mental Health.

<a href="https://anthro.ucla.edu/person/c-jason-throop/">Dr. C. Jason Throop, Ph.D.</a>

Dr. C. Jason Throop, Ph.D.

President-Elect (2025-2027)

Dr. Throop is Professor of Anthropology at the University of California Los Angeles.

<a href="https://anthropology.case.edu/bridget-m-haas/">Dr. Bridget Haas, Ph.D.</a>

Dr. Bridget Haas, Ph.D.

Secretary (2023-2025)

Dr. Haas is Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Case Western University.

<a href="https://cas.uoregon.edu/directory/profiles/all/ljweaver">Dr. Lesley Jo Weaver, Ph.D.</a>

Dr. Lesley Jo Weaver, Ph.D.

Treasurer (2023-2025)

Dr. Weaver is Associate Professor of Anthropology and Global Health Program Director at the University of Oregon.

Board Members

<a href="https://realc.emory.edu/people/biographies/ozawa-de-silva-chikako.html">Dr. Chikako Ozawa-de Silva, Ph.D. </a>

Dr. Chikako Ozawa-de Silva, Ph.D. 

Board Member (2023-2025)

Dr. Ozawa-de Silva is Professor of Japanese Studies and Anthropology at Emory University.

<a href="https://www.unco.edu/hss/anthropology/about/faculty/whitney-duncan.aspx">Dr. Whitney Duncan, Ph.D.</a>

Dr. Whitney Duncan, Ph.D.

Board Member (2023-2025)

Dr. Duncan is Professor of Anthropology at The University of Northern Colorado.

<a href="https://cris.huji.ac.il/en/persons/yehuda-goodman" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Dr. Yehuda Goodman, Ph.D.</a>

Dr. Yehuda Goodman, Ph.D.

Book Editor

Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

<a href="https://www.westga.edu/profile.php?emp_id=93215">Dr. Talia Rose Weiner, LPC, Ph.D.</a>

Dr. Talia Rose Weiner, LPC, Ph.D.

Board Member (2024-2027)

Dr. Weiner is Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology at the University of West Georgia.

<a href="https://religiousstudies.as.virginia.edu/julia-cassaniti">Dr. Julia Cassaniti, Ph.D.</a>

Dr. Julia Cassaniti, Ph.D.

Ethos Co-Editor-in-Chief

Dr. Cassaniti is Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia.

<a href="https://anthropology.byu.edu/directory/jacob-r-hickman">Dr. Jacob Hickman, Ph.D.</a>

Dr. Jacob Hickman, Ph.D.

Ethos Co-Editor-in-Chief

Dr. Hickman is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Brigham Young University

<a href="https://anthropology.stanford.edu/people/angela-leocata">Angela Leocata, C.Phil</a>

Angela Leocata, C.Phil

Student Representative

Angela is a Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Anthropology at Stanford University.

<a href="https://anthropology.wustl.edu/people/aj-jones">Dr. Audrey "AJ" Jones, Ph.D.</a>

Dr. Audrey “AJ” Jones, Ph.D.

Newsletter Editor and E-Communications

Dr. Jones is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Washington University in St. Louis.

<a href="https://cgmh.ucsd.edu/people/doctoral-candidates.html" data-type="link" data-id="https://cgmh.ucsd.edu/people/doctoral-candidates.html">Giselle Sanchez, C.Phil</a>

Giselle Sanchez, C.Phil


Giselle is a Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Anthropology at The University of California San Diego.

Former SPA Presidents

2021-23Laurence J. Kirmayer