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The SPA wants to hear from you!

Dear SPA members, 

The Society for Psychological Anthropology (SPA) wants to hear from you!

Beginning Fall 2024, we are launching a new section in our triannual newsletter: Testimonials. We hope this will be an informal opportunity to share your research with others and demonstrate the diverse interests and approaches of psychological anthropology. 

We’d love to know: What most excites you about your current or future research projects? How has the SPA been a meaningful space for you and your work? What does psychological anthropology mean to you and in the context of your work? Why does psychological anthropology matter, and for whom? If interested, please share with us a short statement (no more than 100 words) and an anchor image (a headshot, photo from the field, or other related image).

Please email your submissions to AJ Jones at by September 25th for full consideration for our Fall 2024 newsletter. Submissions after this date may be included in the Spring 2025 edition.

We look forward to collecting and sharing your work!