
Book your stay for the SPA biennial now!

Dear SPA Biennial attendees: 

The SPA room block at the Biennial conference hotel, The Hyatt Regency Tamaya, is sold out for April 2. However, additional rooms have been added at the discounted SPA-rate for April 3-5. For those dates, we suggest that you book your stay ASAP as these are likely to sell out fully. 

Following small student workshops, initial sessions begin 1:00pm on Thursday.  Be sure to book your room now!

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SPA Board Message Regarding AAA & Biennial

Dear SPA Members,
We are aware that AAA sections and members are making determinations about whether or not to attend the 2024 AAA meeting in Tampa. As you probably know, some members and sections are boycotting the meeting over concerns about safety, and
there are broad concerns about Florida legislation and policies on gender, race, education, and immigration.

The SPA Board is not taking an official position on a boycott. We think that ethical and political decisions whether to attend the AAA meeting are best made by SPA members.

In light of an anticipated reduced in-person attendance for this meeting, we have modified plans for the SPA Business and Board Meetings. These will be conducted virtually to allow for broader attendance. The SPA will still review submissions for SPA sponsorship, including invited sessions, to be held on-site at the AAA. The AAA general call submission portal is scheduled to open on March 16th and close on April 24th.

Please note that four months after the AAA, we will have the Biennial Meeting of the SPA from April 3rd-6th, 2025. Besides a broad exchange of research across the field of psychological anthropology, this meeting affords us the time to be together with
colleagues and friends in a way that is much treasured by the SPA membership.

At the Biennial, our SPA Prizes will be awarded for the Stirling Award, the Boyer Prize for Contributions to Psychoanalytic Anthropology, the Condon Prize for Best Student Essay in Psychological Anthropology, and the SPA Lifetime Achievement Award. The Biennial will take place at the Santa Ana Pueblo’s Tamaya Hyatt Resort and Spa, New Mexico (owned by the Santa Ana Pueblo and managed by Hyatt). Some will recall that we convened our 2019 SPA Biennial Meeting at this location. The Tamaya Hyatt has beautiful views of the Santa Ana Pueblo landscape between the Sandia Mountains and the Rio Grande River, along with hiking trails, a horse rescue, a fitness center, and spa treatments.

Please feel free to contact Bridget Haas or Janis Jenkins if you have any questions.


The SPA Board (Whitney Duncan, Yehuda Goodman, Bridget Haas, Janis H. Jenkins, Vincent Laliberté, Ted Lowe, Chikako Ozawa-de Silva, Aidan Seale-Feldman, C. Jason Throop, Jo Weaver, Hua [Miranda] Wu)

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CMS Book Series Call for Submission

The SPA invites you to submit manuscripts to their Culture, Mind, and Society (CMS) Book Series, published by Palgrave Macmillan (part of the Springer Nature Group)

The SPA and Palgrave-Macmillan aim at publishing innovative research that explores the interface of human subjects (emotions, thoughts, and experiences) and their material, social, cultural, and political milieus. Psychological Anthropology is broadly defined in this book series. It includes all research in the diverse fields of psychology, biomedicine, psychiatry, and anthropology that examines human emotions, cognitions, ideas, actions, interactions, and their work in social micro-level sites and in connection with broad social fields, organizations, institutions, nation-states, and other power structures.   

The series welcomes proposals for either monographs or edited volumes – in the form of short books (25,000-50,000 words) or full-length (70,000-120,000).

Please see the series description and guidelines on the Palgrave website:   

Palgrave distributes and promotes the book series online and through other channels. All titles are included in an eBook subject collection, which attracts over 50 million users from 15,000 institutions worldwide and offers tangible benefits in making our books highly downloaded and cited, hence amplifying the reach of our work. In addition to this, on publication, all titles will feature on a product page on SpringerLink, including ‘Look Inside’ functionality, full book and individual chapter download functionality, social media sharing buttons, and Bookmetrix indicating citations, readers, and downloads. On this page, customers can view all product details, access sample content, and order your book in both print and electronic form.

Palgrave editors regularly attend international conferences and meetings, including the AAA and EASA, to promote recent publications in the series as well as the Anthropology program more broadly.

Potential authors can contact Clelia Petracca, Commissioning Editor at Palgrave Macmillan ( or Yehuda Goodman, our book series editor and a SPA board member (

Thank you,

Clelia Petracca 

Commissioning Editor, 

Palgrave Macmillan, 

The Campus, 4 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW

(T) +44 (0)2070144190   (M) +44 (0)7443138748   Twitter: @PalgravePsych

Note: The above call for manuscript submission to the CMS book series is approved and supported by the SPA Board.”

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The SPA wants to hear from you!

Dear SPA members, 

The Society for Psychological Anthropology (SPA) wants to hear from you!

Beginning Fall 2024, we are launching a new section in our triannual newsletter: Testimonials. We hope this will be an informal opportunity to share your research with others and demonstrate the diverse interests and approaches of psychological anthropology. 

We’d love to know: What most excites you about your current or future research projects? How has the SPA been a meaningful space for you and your work? What does psychological anthropology mean to you and in the context of your work? Why does psychological anthropology matter, and for whom? If interested, please share with us a short statement (no more than 100 words) and an anchor image (a headshot, photo from the field, or other related image).

Please email your submissions to AJ Jones at by September 25th for full consideration for our Fall 2024 newsletter. Submissions after this date may be included in the Spring 2025 edition.

We look forward to collecting and sharing your work!

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Job Alert: Environmental Anthropologist (Colorado State University)

Dear SPA colleagues and affiliates,
We’re hiring an environmental anthropologist, with a preference for someone who conducts research in the Americas and can teach courses on specialized ethnographic research methods.

More information and the application portal can be found here:

If you have any questions, please contact Professor Jeff Snodgrass (Chair