meetings spa

SPA Biennial Meeting: Ecologies of Mind

SPA Biennial Meeting
Joan B.Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice
University of San Diego
San Diego, CA; April 27-30, 2023

Call for Papers:  Ecologies of Mind
Psychological anthropology is rooted in recognition of the social constitution of mind, self and person. Gregory Bateson’s concept of an ecology of mind pointed to ways of thinking about mind as situated in both interpersonal and larger social systems. This ecological perspective provides a shared genealogy and bridge between the concerns of psychological anthropology and contemporary approaches in cognitive science, which see human experience as emerging from embodied, enacted, embedded and extended social processes.

The recognition that human psychology has its own ecology and dynamics that depend on local niches and networks as well as on wider social systems is urgently needed to help us address the most pressing challenges of our time: climate change and ecocide; systemic racism and structural violence; social polarization and the erosion of trust in civil society and democratic institutions; and the colonization of imagination and epistemic chaos created by commercial and political manipulation of social media.

This meeting will explore ecologies of mind in diverse domains and at multiple scales from local communities to planetary networks, from embodied realities to virtual worlds. We invite papers and presentations that engage with the enduring questions of psychological anthropology and current social, political, and existential predicaments. We especially encourage interdisciplinary work that bridges anthropology, psychology, psychiatry, and allied disciplines to explore the dynamics of healthy and pathological ecologies of mind.

The 2023 SPA meeting will include a joint conference day with the Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture (SSPC), an interdisciplinary group devoted to clinical issues in culture and mental health. Long awaited by both societies, this day of overlap is aimed at fostering cross-discipline engagement. This joint day will allow SPA members, researchers, and practitioners to discuss cross-cutting interests and the underpinnings and consequences of social experience for mental health, psychiatric disorders, and healing. The overall theme of the SSPC meeting will be “Practices that Harm/Practices that Heal.” For the joint day, we are especially interested in showcasing work in psychological anthropology and cultural psychiatry that addresses issues of healing and transformation.

The registration portal will go live in the next couple of weeks. Please watch for the announcement!

Abstract Submission:
The Abstract Submission portal will open in early January and close in late January.  Please watch for that announcement as well.   **In light of the relatively short window for submissions, we recommend preparing your abstracts in advance!**



Society for Psychological Anthropology

Welcome to the Society for Psychological Anthropology (SPA) – A subsection of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). We are a broad, multidisciplinary organization of individuals interested in cultural, psychological, and social interrelations at all levels.

Read more about SPA

Join SPA todayLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit dolorClick HereWhat do we do? The Society for Psychological Anthropology (SPA) of the American Anthropological Association was founded in 1977. SPA is a broad, multidisciplinary organization of individuals interested in cultural, psychological, and social interrelations at all levels.Read more about usSPA Funding OpportunitiesLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit dolorView all grants

Latest News from SPA

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The Beatrice and John Whiting SPA Biennial Travel Grants

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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President’s Statement on Recent Events

The events of the past two weeks have turned a spotlight on the pervasive racism and intolerance in our country, and on attitudes and practices that have been the shame of our nation for centuries. The murder of George Floyd and the violent suppression of peaceful protest are just the latest enactments of malignant white supremacy and the culture of violence and domination that undergird daily life in America.