
Society for Psychological Anthropology + Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture Joint Conference

You may attend any sessions, regardless of which organization you registered through. Session codes indicate whether a session was submitted via SPA, SSPC, or jointly

SSPC_SPA 2023 Agenda with Rooms


International Early Career Scholar Travel Grant

The Society for Psychological Anthropology is pleased to offer the International Early Career Scholar Travel Grant program funded by a generous donation from an anonymous benefactor. The purpose of the program is to provide funding for international scholars who are early in their careers to travel to the United States to participate in conferences affiliated with the SPA.

The grants will provide funding to pay for all transportation costs, room and board, and conference registration fees for the scholar to present his or her paper or poster at SPA Biennial meetings. The SPA anticipates making two grants annually of approximately $2,000, although it will consider both smaller and slightly larger grants.

Mentorship by a Senior Scholar:

In addition to receiving travel funding, arrangements will be made for each grant recipient to meet with a senior psychological anthropologist in the applicant’s area of study at the conference for the purpose of mentoring and networking.


To be eligible for the travel grant, the individual must: (1) be presenting a paper or poster at the meeting in question, (2) have received a master’s level graduate degree but be no greater than five years post-PhD, and (3) be a non-United States citizen who is currently working in an academic or applied capacity related to anthropology or attending a graduate school located outside of the United States. Individuals may apply for the grant as many times as they wish, but they may only receive the grant twice. The applicant need not be a member of the SPA or the AAA.

Selection Criteria:

Applicants will be selected based on their potential to contribute to psychological anthropology as a field of study relative to their level of education and experience. When all other factors are judged to be equivalent, the selection committee will select applicants who have not yet received their doctoral degree. Consideration will also be given to select applicants who will increase the representation of scholars from regions of the world who do not typically attend SPA-affiliated conferences.


To apply for the grant, applicants must provide: (1) a written statement that concisely outlines the specific professional benefits for participating in the session and describes the potential contribution of the applicant’s current research to psychological anthropology as a field (one single-spaced page maximum); (2) a brief curriculum vitae (six pages maximum); (3) the abstract for the paper or poster to be presented at the conference; (4) an estimated budget of the costs to attend the meeting in question. In the budget, applicants must provide details on any other source of travel funds for which they have applied or received to attend the meeting.

To submit an application for the 2023 Spring SPA Biennial Meeting, please email the statement, curriculum vitae, abstract and budget as a single PDF or MS Word document to Ted Lowe, Committee Chair ( by March 12, 2023.


SPA Biennial: Announcement and Reminder

REMINDER: One week left to submit abstracts for individual papers and posters, Organized Sessions, and Roundtables!  

Submissions close February 3, 2023 at 8pm EST

ANNOUNCEMENT: The Biennial is going Hybrid! Registration and submission now open for remote participation. 


  • Individual papers, Organized Panels, and Roundtables may include remote participants.  Note: we are not accepting any fully remote panels. For organized sessions and roundtables, up to half of the participants may be remote. All sessions must have an in-person chair.
  • We are currently exploring the possibility of remote poster presentations. If you are interested in presenting a poster and think the only way you could attend is remotely, please email program organizer Rebecca Seligman:
  • The submission interface now includes fields for indicating modality (in-person or remote) for each participant. If you have already submitted your session or paper and would like to change to/add remote participation, please email Rebecca Seligman:

HELP WANTED: We are looking for student volunteers to helpout during the conference (including helping to manage tech in the hybrid sessions). Student volunteers will receive a coupon code for half price registration. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact volunteer coordinator Daniel Lende: 


SPA 2023 Registration and Submission Open

SPA Biennial Conference (April 27 – 30, 2023, San Diego CA) Registration is Now Open

Dear SPA Colleagues and Affiliates,

We are pleased to announce that registration for the SPA Biennial Conference (April 27-30, 2023, San Diego, CA) is now open. We also invite you to submit your papers, posters, panels and roundtables for review using the link below. This year, registration and submission are separate processes, so please don’t forget to do both!

(If any of the hyperlinks does not work, please copy the link and paste in your browser. All the information are also updated on the SPA website under MEETINGS)


Submission closes February 3, 2023

Abstract acceptance notification: March 1, 2023

Registration closes March 15, 2023


To register, participants must have an account with the AAA (Community Hub link: or create an account through:

You do NOT need to be a member of the AAA.

Registration closes on March 15, 2023


Submit on:

Important submission information to keep in mind:

  • Participation is limited to 3 roles in the meeting: 1 paper or poster presentation; 1 discussant role; and 1 roundtable or workshop. Being a session chair does not count against this 3-role maximum.
  • Organized panels are limited to 6 slots: 4 presenters and 2 discussants; 5 presenters and 1 discussant; or 6 presenters and no discussant. It is also possible to submit a session with only 4 presenters and 1 discussant, which will leave extra time for discussion. A panel may not have fewer than 4 presenters.
  • Organizers will need to submit all of the information for their session (including individual paper abstracts).
  • The order in which papers are submitted for the panel is the order in which presenters will be listed on the program.
  • Roundtables may have between 4 and 7 presenters.
  • For roundtable submissions, skip the section for entering discussant information and go straight to presenters. It is also not necessary to enter separate titles and abstracts for each presenter in a roundtable, so you may skip those fields.

Submission closes February 3, 2023

Abstract Acceptance notification: March 1, 2023

We look forward to seeing you in San Diego!

Book Your Hotel at SPA Meeting

Book a hotel today near the Kroc Institute by following this link: